By On behalf of The Law Offices of Roderick V. Hannah, Esq., P.A.

Most people think that unemployment insurance is not available to employees who walk off the job. They may not realize that some workers who quit may be eligible to receive these payments, however, because of improved employee rights provisions. Florida workers may still be eligible for these benefits even if they are not terminated. Unemployment insurance is a state program that provides wage replacement after someone loses his or her job. The maximum weekly benefit for these payments in Florida totals about $200.

Those who quit because they have no other option are generally entitled to unemployment insurance. So, what kind of a situation would allow a worker to receive these benefits? If you work in the service industry, you may be able to receive unemployment benefits because your employer has severely cut your hours. Some businesses use this strategy to encourage people to quit, which they think will prevent them from having to pay benefits. Even if you think you may not be eligible, apply anyway.

In addition, if you have been forced to leave your workplace because of intolerable conditions – those brought on by sexual harassment, for example – you are entitled to compensation. Dangerous working conditions and illegal activities within the company may also qualify you for benefits. Those who have suffered from serious medical conditions that prevent them from working could also be eligible, along with workers who are suffering from domestic violence. Additional provisions may allow you to collect benefits if you have to stop working to care for a sick relative.

You will definitely be disqualified from receiving payments, however, if any demonstrable misconduct can be shown. In addition, if you fail a drug test or turn down a job that would have fit your qualifications, payments may stop. Be sure to research more about Florida’s unemployment insurance benefits to find out more about your rights.

Source:, “Unemployment insurance: Nine things that may stop you from collecting benefits” Deborah L. Jacobs, Sep. 03, 2013
